Paul Van der Rome

Paul has had a long and many faceted business life, spanning over 45 years, both domestically and overseas. Covering a wide range of business activities, with specific focus on back room analysis, marketing and ‘grooming’ of individuals and companies, to enable them to either take advantage of the data, or in some cases to take their idea(s) public or, to be the target for future acquisition by private and public equity partners.

Covering many sectors of business at all levels from local individuals and business owners all the way up to senior government level, the advice and mentoring available from the direct consultancy services EBG were and still are able to provide, have been proven to be invaluable to many clients.

After returning to the UK in 1999 and his effective exit from the financial and public company sector(s), he began a new phase in his business life, acting as the FCA/SRA Compliance Officer for several regulated firms, and as he has stated many times ‘there’s nothing better than a reformed poacher to become the estate’s gamekeeper’ and, accordingly, he has provided a detailed regulatory compliance support service for over 20 years.

Ensuring the constantly changing regulations and legislation, of both the insurance and financial sectors, were fully complied with, and as such, can provide a wealth of knowledge of the complex areas of related regulatory oversight and applicable legislation, in both of these complex fields.

One of the specialized areas he has focussed on for well over 45 years of personal and external corporate business matters, is making sure that the most tax-efficient structure is in place, PRIOR to the growth of a personal or corporate client, which is an area from which clients have benefited using the guidance provided by EBG and its associated referred firms, which accordingly allowed the principals to be ‘pushed in the right direction’, so that they may take further formal advice from legal and other tax and corporate professionals, and benefit from the ‘push’.

His suggestions were and continue to be based on whichever specific aspects, the client(s) should consider, to maximize and maintain their best options for both corporate and personal taxation planning matters, as well as their future family estate planning and trust affairs.

With both domestic and international clients, Paul’s wealth of knowledge in the financial, business and regulatory fields is available for any client to ‘pick his brains’ and take advantage of his many years’ experience, with the delivery of any recommendations, reported in what is hoped is in plain language, and is able to be provided in an as simple or more detailed manner, as required.

With him possibly acting as the client’s ‘McKenzie Friend’ providing ‘suggestions’ as to what he would do, ‘if he was ‘in their shoes’ so to speak if there are certain aspects that need to be carefully planned or discussed in confidence.

All are delivered in an easy to understand manner and, accordingly able to be integrated into either their personal or business and estate/trust plans with ease, obviously, should the client choose to do so.

Satisfied Client Stories

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Our Major Clients

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